We buy and sell trains, accessories, parts, and supplies.

Welcome to AmericanFlyerWarehouse.com, the largest selection of new and used American Flyer trains and accessories on the world wide web. Established in 1989, Marty’s Trains has over three decades of experience in mail order train sales.

Trains for Sale

At any given time, we have a large selection of steam and diesel locomotives to choose from, together with hundreds of pieces of rolling stock, accessories, track, new and used parts and related items. Select items may be viewed in our eBay store. You can also contact us to see if we have what you’re looking for. All vintage items are graded according to strict TCA and TTOS grading standards.
Whether you’re building a layout or just looking for that special piece to complete your collection, our site is sure to become the first place you’ll want to look.

Sell Us Your Collection

If you have trains to sell, we buy all makes of trains — American Flyer, Lionel, etc. — at the highest prices possible. Call, e-mail or write for an honest assessment of the items you have and what they are worth.

Email: lc11572@aol.com

Office: 516-763-2258
Cell: 516-902-9580
Fax: 516-783-0082

American Flyer catalog

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To contact us for additional information, please fill out the form below.